Upton Neuro Physio

Accessibility Statement

We have tried our best to make this website as accessible as possible, by addressing predictable problems for the people who would likely look to use the site. A few considerations are listed below:

  • The whole site is accessible by keyboard shortcuts only, for people who would struggle to use a mouse.

  • All colour contrasts were chosen with people who have visual impairments in mind.

  • Captions and a transcript are available for the embedded video to provide an accessible form of the information delivered, for people with hearing/ cognitive processing challenges.

  • We have gone for a minimalistic design and word count per page (anyone who knows me will understand that this was a tough feat!) for people who find processing large amounts of information a challenge.

It is still work in progress, so if you or your loved one has any difficulties navigating our site, Rachel from Bright Avenue and I will work together to find a solution. Please do provide your feedback/insights about this to help us, help you.