
You can contact me through my super-secure encrypted email: or by phone: 07968 585 408.

I am a neuro physiotherapist who is based in Upton by Chester, offering mainly home visits in your own home. I also run small classes out of Upton by Chester Pavilion and love to take people out of their four walls for their rehab in our beautiful city.

I have two young children and currently only work within school hours (9am-3pm) term-time only, except in rare situations.

If you need treatment outside of those times, do get in touch and I will see what I can do to accommodate your needs around my family’s needs.

Frequently asked questions

  • It varies, but the average length of intervention is 3 sessions.

    My ethos is about supporting and empowering clients (and their family/carers) towards confident self-management, in as few sessions as possible.

    Often, later down the line, clients want a review/ a top-up session to provide motivation to keep going, to meet different needs or they may need more help. And if people need longer, more intensity +/- want more consistent support to reach their goals- I am very happy to provide it. My door is always open.

  • It is £120 for an hour of my time.

    An initial assessment is a hour in duration, but follow up treatment can be booked for a shorter time, for example if your energy levels would not permit a lot of exercise or focused cognitive demand. In those situations, we can plan for a 30 - or 45 - minute follow-up session and adjust cost to match time spent.

    For situations that require greater intensity of rehab, you can choose to block-book for five hour-long sessions, costing £500 (saving £100 versus pay-as-you-go).

  • Initial assessments are paid for after the appointment has occurred. Follow-up appointments are paid for in advance.

    Preferred method of payment is by bank transfer into my business bank account (details on the invoice). Cash payments are also accepted.

  • Travel within Chester and 20-minute car journey radius is included. Travel is charged on a £1/mile fee outside of this to compensate for time spent and travel costs.

  • Cancel or reschedule an appointment more than 24 hours in advance of the appointment time to avoid a cancellation fee.

    This allows time to book someone else into the appointment slot. Cancellations less than 24 hours in advance, incur the full appointment fee.

  • I am registered with Healthcode, and my fees are covered by certain insurers including Benenden Health Insurance. Please check with your insurer to see whether your cover would extend to my fees.

  • Yes, after all contacts, I follow up with an email sent to you, and to any medical providers who you wish to receive the information, summarising my findings, the goals of our interventions and a detailed description of any exercises in our rehab plan.

    Sometimes photographs/ videos are taken during the session, to provide clear visuals for how to do your exercises. These will always be taken on your device, so remain your property.

  • I am very happy to dovetail with NHS neuro physio services to provide a greater dose of therapy in situations that require it.

    In most situations, and with your consent, the NHS therapist and I communicate to ensure that we are working together and towards the same goals, to help you to get the most out of your rehab interventions.

  • Yes, I have almost two decades of qualified neuro physiotherapist experience and it is now very unusual that I am meeting a condition or symptom for the first time.

    But if it is new to me, I would take the time to learn as much as I can about it after our initial screening call, so that I am fully informed and can provide you with the highest quality neuro rehab input.

  • Eclectic and client-centred. I focus is on really understanding my clients, their needs and the factors that will help them to remain motivated whilst working towards their rehab goals long-term.

    Everyone is different so my rehab approach varies person to person. I spend a lot of time researching the best strategies for treating certain conditions and certain difficulties, so that also guides our intervention, but there is always that personal twist.

  • There is a long list of rehab courses that I have taken over recent years . Please view a list of my courses here.